Wine description: Kobal Sauvignon belongs to the family of wines with particularly pronounced fingerprint of nature, which impresses even the most affluent sensory taste buds with a combination of the extremely pronounced primary bouquet and a rich varietal taste of Sauvignon. Therefore, the wine has an extremely rich character of variety, with exceptional juiciness. Bouquet is reminiscent of cut grass, elderflower, green pepper, gooseberry, grapefruit, complete in perfect harmony with a hint of wood and a creamy taste.
Sauvignon Kobal is a unique creation of nature and a vision of a winemaker, who wants to give the wine lovers an unforgettable wine experience. The wine can be enjoyed in a glass by itself or together with gastronomic experience, especially with light dishes in spring and summer.
Temperature: for perfect enjoyment 8-10 ˚C is recommended.